Peace Brigades International

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Peace Brigades International

Photo of Peace Brigades International worker

Mission Statement: Peace Brigades International works to establish justice and peace in the world through nonviolent action. To do this we send unarmed international peace teams, when invited, into areas of repression or conflict. By so doing, we challenge the belief that violent institutions and warfare must inevitably dominate human affairs. PBI demonstrates that as international volunteer, citizens can act boldly as peacemakers when their governments cannot. Through its activities, PBI learns about, develops, and models forms of nonviolent action in the spirit of Gandhi’s experiments with truth.

Programs: PBI currently fields volunteers to five project countries: Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia & Nepal. Field volunteers provide protective accompaniment for individuals and organizations who are threatened for their work in human rights. Field volunteers come from a array of backgrounds and experiences, with interests in human rights, nonviolence, and peace & justice. Our volunteers serve a minimum of 12 months in-country. Latin American projects require Spanish language fluency; our Indonesia & Nepal projects both have a three month in-country language school.

Opportunities: Each project maintains its own application deadlines & norms – visit PBI-USA’s website for links to your project of interest. PBI-USA hosts a Volunteer Orientation Weekend twice a year for those interested in volunteering to learn more about PBI and our work on the ground. There is always need for volunteers – contact for more information on upcoming application deadlines!

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