Effects of COVID-19 on Global Volunteering

Times continue to be difficult for international volunteer organizations.  The Covid-19 variants are wreaking havoc in areas  that previously had the outbreak under control.  It is very difficult to plan and schedule volunteer assignments and trips.  Virtual international volunteering continues to be an important way for the volunteer to stay involved and to help.  Until the time when international travel opens up, I encourage you to continue to contact the placement organizations that have programs that interest you.  They know which countries are opening up for on-the-ground volunteering.  They also have information about virtual volunteering.

Leading off this newsletter below, is a link to a map that contains the current worldwide travel restrictions.  What I like about the map is that it is interactive.  One can enter the country from which she/he is traveling,  The map will then show what restrictions may, or may not, be associated with travel from the country entered.

Other information and articles you will find in this newsletter include a  piece that was broadcast on  National Public Radio (NPR)  in the United States. It discusses how the pandemic has changed the world of ‘voluntourism’. There are also two articles about United Nations Volunteering (UNV).  One describes current opportunities with United Nations International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF) and the other is a very short piece on how Covid-19 has affected world volunteering.

I find that reading  books about international volunteering is an excellent way to prepare for assignments.  This includes books both from the perspective of the volunteer and of experts in various fields associated with the international community.  You will find a list of books about these subjects below.

image depicts a person walking out of a tunnel on to a narrow road, pulling a suitcase

Interactive Map describing Covid-19 International Travel Restrictions

Skyscanner.com is a travel search engine that describes itself as a “comparison website”. It enables travelers to find comparisons for flights, hotels, and car rentals. I used them to book some of my flights and hotels when traveling within Europe with my granddaughter. Using their very informative map, the traveler can determine the current worldwide travel restrictions.

graphic depicts a computer with several people standing around a house being built.

The Pandemic Changed the World of ‘Voluntourism’ Some Folks Like the New Way Better

Just as the world has changed because of the Covid-19 virus so, according to National Public Radio (NPR) , has “voluntourism”. People continue to want to volunteer and they have found ways to do so. This is a very interesting article about the changes that have taken place in international volunteering.

Graphic by Jesse Zhang for NPR

image depicts a Unicef volunteer standing in front of children

Volunteering with UNICEF

The United Nations International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), currently has volunteer opportunities. They are available through United Nations Volunteers (UNV). Check out available UNICEF opportunities.

Photo courtesy of UNICEF

image depicts a Hawaiian resort overlooking forested hills and ocean in the distance

Malama Hawaii offers vacations with a purpose

The Hawaiian Tourist Authority has launched a program that offers incentives to tourists to participate in volunteer activities. The program offers inspiring programs from reforestation to aquaculture. Read more about the tourist volunteering incentives.

Photo courtesy of Cristian Guerrero – Unsplash

image depicts two man carrying a child through a muddle camp. Other children are present in the foreground next to a tent.

Covid-19 drives a global surge in volunteering

In this short piece, published by the United Nations, the writer discusses how Covid-19 has motivated volunteers world-wide to step up, volunteer, and help fellow humans in distress. Read Volunteering Surge.

image depicts a view of a bookshelf full of books

Books on Voluntourism

This list of books from the website Volunteer Card, covers a range of topics from volunteering, to foreign aid, poverty, and sustainability. View the book list on Volunteer Card.

Photo courtesy of Aneta Pawlik – Unsplash

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